
Managing Communication


Managing Communication is defined as systematic planning, implementing and monitoring all the channels of communication within the business corporate. This helps organization to achieve their overall business objectives. It is also considered as a lifeline for many projects. In this context, managing communication also helps in bridging link between different departments of the organization. This report focuses on setting up a new venture in the retail sector through bricks and mortar operations where different decisions and factors are considered to start up a legal entity. Organization undertaken is Deluxe Spices which are focusing on starting an outlet in UK. This organization deals in red chili, coriander and turmeric powder. To understand it in a better manner, various strategies have been taken into consideration. This report focuses on different decisions which have to be made while starting up a new venture. It also focuses on developing healthy relationship with its stakeholders.

sample assignment on communication management

 Range of decisions to be taken

Decisions are made by the business owner by considering all possibilities and opportunities. Starting a new venture is not a cup of tea for everyone as it requires number of potential decisions to be taken (Daft, 2012). Finance a crucial role while setting up a new enterprise as mentioned company has to find a suitable source of financing. Borrowing money on interest from banks or financial sources or investing their own funds is two major sources. Decisions have to be made for selecting a best location for starting up a venture. Location has to be more customer oriented as it need to be convenient in reach of large consumers. It is a tangible product which Deluxe Spices are producing and therefore, people examine well before its exact use. Organization has many competitors so company have to produce best of the products at an affordable price (Bloom and, 2014). This is the only reason that cited company has chosen bricks and mortar retail venture.

Examining Healthy Information and Knowledge

In order to initiate a business, entrepreneur needs to focus on varied information and knowledge so that effectual decisions can be made. In this regard, in-depth market information of spices needs to be collected in order to identify the gaps. Based on it, strategy can be developed in order to address the market opportunities. Further, company need to assess the buyer behavior as well in order to develop appropriate strategies. Additionally, information needs to collect with regards to EU policies for establishing the business as per legal norms. Cited business also need gain information with regards to Food Safety Act 1990 as it is dealing into spices. With all these information, aforesaid organization can able to run the business in effectual manner.

Internal and External Source of Information and their understanding

Cited corporate have to evaluate and generate significant amount of information relating to their operation. Internal information plays a crucial role for successful management operation as it consists of:

  • Sales and marketing information on share price of the market, revenue and performance.
  • Financial information relating to cost, investment and profits
  • Production information relating to demand of customers and functional information on corporate assets and their standards.
  • Mentioned company can take relevant suggestions from their employee are who they will be recruiting as they must have sufficient amount of experience where they have been working in the past (Newsom, Turk and Kruckeberg, 2012).
  • Deluxe Spices have to track internal information of their competitors to know what pricing policies for the product they are following. Mentioned company have to analyze accounting records, annual reports etc.

External information for cited company concerned with occurrence beyond boundaries of organization as it consists of detailed summary of external factors which includes:

  • Consultants will help corporate to know where to start up their business in UK as they exactly know what the market scenario and it will also help corporate in a positive manner.
  • Print information includes books, periodicals journals and newsletters which will help entrepreneur to set business by considering each and every aspect of operations.
  • Government reports on various companies will provide healthy and sufficient amount of knowledge as these statistics are accurate and corporate can frame their plan and policies by considering them (Vargo, 2011).

Recommendations in selection and analysis of information

Deluxe Spices have to form a method with which they can easily analyze what are the needs of consumers and the product which they are bringing and whether they will be able to satisfy their needs and demands or not. Corporate can choose questionnaire and direct interview method to examine consumer needs. In context to it, questionnaire is a written document which consists of questions which will be either mailed or directly given to selected customers. This will help the organization because people have different perception and they will attempt questions in their own attitude and needs.
Another method which mentioned company can undertake is direct interview method as this will help Deluxe Spices to interact with customers personally and they will easily understand their needs and demands (Pearson, Smeltzer and Thomas, 2015). This will be a face to face communication where organization will get a clear idea that what types of product are required by consumer. This is a process which can lead towards increase in revenue and profitability for the corporate.

Stakeholders for effective decision making

Stakeholders are considered as life blood of any corporate and they are the investors in company whose activities determine the real output of business decisions. Stakeholders for mentioned company include their employees who work for the success of product as well as for the organization. Consumers become the stakeholder as soon as they start consuming corporate products. As stated above, organization main focus is to satisfy their needs by giving them quality of product at an affordable price. Suppliers are the major stakeholder as they fulfill customer’s order by supplying quality of raw materials to venture timely (Kanehisa and, 2014). Consultants also play a crucial role to help the corporate to make effective and precise decision.
As business is at initial stages, they can attract their stakeholders including professionals and other stakeholders through various methods. Prime source is advertising in national newspapers of the country. Further, Deluxe Spices can do promotion through TV, radio, social media in order to develop a large customer base.

Developing business relationship

For smooth and effective functioning corporate have to develop and maintain strong relationship with their stakeholders. Deluxe spices can choose following methods:

  • Business letters- This will help mentioned company to share their business related information with their potential clients, customer’s, government bodies, banks or other financial institutions etc. This information includes goals, objectives and their annual records periodically.
  • E-mails- This network consist of organization employees, suppliers and the potential and loyal customers (Higgin and Jessop, 2013). Emails help the firm to get connected with each other at regular intervals. Corporate follows this method to exchange vital information.

Involvement of people in decision making process

For making an effective decision and to expand corporate products, various components within the organizations are taken into consideration. This includes top level management and marketing individuals to decide the pricing strategy and location strategy for Deluxe Spices (Freeman, 2010). Mentioned company should have a genuine price for their product so that it can be easily purchased by the targeted customer base. Moreover, design of product plays an effective role as it attracts the eyes of consumers. Company should design a product in such a manner that it attracts all types of consumers and it gives tough competition to the competitors.
Furthermore, location plays a significant role. Cited company location need to be convenient and in easy to reach of customers. Consultants and market analyst must give a proper idea to firm so that it will be easy for customers to reach organization outlet for purchasing. This process will further lead to increase in sales and productivity for the organization.

Strategy for future improvement

To develop and improve business activities, Deluxe Spices have to identify their strength and weaknesses in the retail market. Corporate can have a meeting with audience in order to know what changes they want in their product. Company can have a feedback system so that they can make necessary changes according to the queries received from the customers (Ananda and Herath, 2004). Price has to be affordable so that it can be easily purchased by individuals of all income levels. Further, for proper functioning and to improve their productivity, corporate has to manage 3 utmost important resources which include physical assets, human and finance resources. Mentioned company is required to have suppliers who have to be quite fair and honest in dealing. This will help the cited organization to see growth and development opportunities with them. Strong relation with government needs to be developed by following legal compliance and by depositing relevant tax to the government every year.

assignment on managing communication

Different communication process

In the given case study, organization mentioned is a political activist. Under this, communication process which is followed by volunteer supervisor is a one way communication process. Here, project is given by the supervisor to the staff member and supervisor waits for the message for completing the project. The problem in this case study persists when supervisor is not able to submit a particular project on time due to hectic schedule and lack of communication. This problem has been persisted for long months just because volunteer supervisor was engaged in so many projects so that she was not having time to communicate the projects to their subordinates.
There are different types of communication process available for political activists which they can apply in order to complete their work on time (Effective Communication. 2015). This includes:

  • Horizontal communication- This type of communication process helps the mentioned company to transfer and share information between employees who are working on the same position.
  • Vertical communication- Under this method, superiors communicate information with their subordinates. Here, the communication is done with strict orders and instructions with a view point to complete a project on a requisite deadline.
  • Downward communication- Downward communication helps the top managers to communicate directly with immediate supervisors and they will float certain information to employees who are working in the mentioned company.
  • Upward Communication- Under this, subordinates are free to share their ideas, views in order to satisfy their personal needs. This method will boost them as they are involved in the decision making process (Rogers and Marres, 2000). Therefore, they will be able to work with best of their talent and potential.

 Designing improvements for greater integration system

Mentioned company is using a top down communication method where volunteer supervisor gives projects to their subordinates. Further, as the case study is explaining, supervisor was so busy in the projects that other pending projects were not transferred to employees. Political activists’ organization can improve their appropriate communication methods through following points:

  • Repeating particular message- Repetition of message plays a significant role as this will help the corporate to have crystal clear communication (Liu and Shih, 2007). If individuals working in organization have doubt that they haven't got message clearly then they can ask volunteer supervisor again in order to prohibit miscommunication.
  • Double Communication- Double or multiple communications are required to be followed within the mentioned company in order to have smooth functioning within business enterprise. Volunteer supervisor have to forward projects from a sequel flow as it will help the workers to have easy understanding regarding the projects.
  • Effective listening- Employee's working in the cited company have to focus on supervisor words as what she is saying for completing the task more efficiently and effectively. In this context, she will get an image of their employees that they are quite interested in what she is speaking and they are listening to it with best of their interest (Werther and Chandler, 2010). This also shows that how much employees are dedicated towards their work

 Implementing Improvements for greater Integration

In order to implement the changes, cited organization can develop a MIS in which information with regards to different department will be saved and shared. For this, specific login will be appoint to each employees of mentioned company so that they can avail the information they are looking for. Through this, information will be shared in desired manner in every department and same will help in taking effectual decisions. In addition to it, head of department will have full authority to access each and every details available on MIS (Liu and Shih, 2007). Beside this, all these information will be available on cloud as well so that it can be accessed by authority from any place. This technique will support in offering better integration to systems from which communication across the political organization can be improved.

Developing a personal plan

If I got chance to work as a volunteer supervisor in political activists, then I would implement various methods in order to improve my communication skills. Few of them are as follows:

  • Listening- I will focus on my listening skills as it is most important to develop an effective communication. Moreover, I will give more emphasis on listening concept in order to have a better and healthy communication with my opponents. Moreover, I will listen to all the work assigned to me patiently as it will help me to achieve my individual goals and objectives.
  • Developing new ideas- I will give new ideas to the organization to form better policies and tactics which will help the corporate to have competitive advantage. It will further help me to improve my work performance and also achieve my target level as soon as possible.
  • Removing hindrances and distractions- For having effective communication skills with my colleagues or guest, I will not use my mobile phone, gadgets or things which distract my mind.
  • Different communication situations- I have to settle myself that with whom I am talking and I have to choose the best style of communication with particular individual (Chiu, Hsu and Wang, 2006).
  • Smiling- This is a best element which will help me to mingle with my clients or peers. Moreover, this develops an impression that I am closer to them and further it assists me in expressing my views and perspective in a better manner.
  • Brief and to the point description- While mailing to any of the party which is related with the organization, I will not leave any important things and will not try any shortcut methods to complete the task.

Improvement to organization approaches and carrying appropriate change

As mentioned, corporate have to make new improvements and changes in their collection, formatting, storage and dissemination of information and knowledge. Before collecting any information, mentioned company have to determine and set various parameters. On the basis of these parameters, political activist organization can collect data on problems which they are facing within the business enterprise. In context to this , organization can use method of primary data which is usually collected under the guidance and supervision of a investigator and these data are generally fresh as these are collected for the first time only (Coleman, 2007). Moreover, these data are considered as an original data, they usually have a special purpose in mind and it includes questionnaire as well.
Cited company has to format information in a clear and precise manner. This can be done by corporate by using different Microsoft Office products. This will help political activists to arrange their particular projects according to date and time. On the other hand, storage is also necessary as the mentioned company have to record all their projects for future proof and record. Storage of data can be done in any form as it includes components like pen drive, removable disks, SD cards and various others (Marinho and Monteiro, 2012). Dissemination of information means processing information to employees through various sources which includes telephonic conversation, emails, business letters, etc.
Cited company in order to complete project on time and also to achieve their corporate goals and objectives can use secondary data for collecting and recording organization data. These secondary data explains that these are recorded by some other parties for a different purpose. However, in comparison of this data with primary data, they consume less time, money and efforts. Mainly all corporate prefer this type of data only as collecting primary data requires much time. Further, political activists can use various others methods for formatting information (Sinha and Labi, 2011). This method consists of MS-Excel, Tally which has their own role and significance in recording data entries. This process also considers all the parties who take part in the business transactions.
Mentioned company in order to store data can use Database Management System (DBMS) which have some unique components in order to provide security and also helps in maintaining file record. DBMS components are Heap file organization, hash file organization, sequential file organization, etc. Moreover, political activist can also transfer their data to server as it will reduce risk and uncertainty of losing particular data. Organization further can disseminate information with best of their methods to the external users (Robertson, 2015). The true fact and figures shows the true position of corporate and it will surely help the mentioned company to increase more of their revenue and productivity in coming period.

Methods to improve system of knowledge and information

Improvement in their information management and knowledge is a key focus for many organizations as improvement is generally required because these business entities have a poor track record in past and they are overcoming it with better opportunities in order to get success (Liu and Shih, 2007). Political activists can use SAP software facility where corporate can store all their projects and data at a single place only. These data are usually password protected so any outsider or hacker cannot steal data from SAP cloud. In case of any disaster, if firm data is lost then cloud will provide data to political activist’s employees. Hence, mentioned company data always remains safe.
Exploring acts as an umbrella which includes all systems and processes within the organization for creating functioning of corporate operations. From technology point of view it includes systems like web content management, document management, record management, digital asset management, etc (Tserng and Lin, 2004). This process includes all the individuals who have contributed for the success of business venture. It includes people, process, technology and contents. This information management strategy can be developed by mentioned company in accordance to provide effective decisions through key strategic documents. These documents further help in setting new scope for internal information for political activist’s. This will help the volunteer supervisor of political activists to gather all the information relating to people, process, technology and contents (O'brien and Marakas, 2005). This information management provides challenges in order to have advantages over their rival firms. This system has further principles which lead to effective and successful information management:

  • Helps in recognizing complexity
  • Provides tangible and seeable benefits
  • Prioritizing work according the needs of business venture
  • Helps in developing strong leadership quality within mentioned company
  • Assists in changing working practices and processes staff for better and healthy functioning

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From the above report on managing communication it is clearly inferred that corporate have to take a range of new decisions in order to start a new venture as this will help them to have a better functioning. Decisions like finance, human resource plays a crucial role. Business has to consider their internal and external stakeholders to have a better and healthy functioning. Furthermore, this report focuses on different communication process which organization has to implement in order to have effective communication within the corporate. This can be vertical, horizontal, upward or downward communication. Organization can further improve their knowledge and information with the help of various software and information management system.


  • Ananda, J. and Herath, G., 2004. The use of Analytic Hierarchy Process to incorporate stakeholder preferences into regional forest planning. Forest policy and economics.
  • Bloom, N. and, 2014. The distinct effects of information technology and communication technology on firm organization. Management Science.
  • Chiu, C. M., Hsu, M. H. and Wang, E. T., 2006. Understanding knowledge sharing in virtual communities: An integration of social capital and social cognitive theories. Decision support systems.
  • Coleman, L., 2007. Risk and decision making by finance executives: a survey study. International Journal of Managerial Finance.
  • Daft, R., 2012. Organization theory and design. Cengage learning.
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